Kamigawa Temple
Crypto Kensei Logo
Main Landing Text Logo
Main Character

Whether you choose to fight with the honor of the samurai or the stealth of the ninja. Join us in battle and show your true strength.

The Way of the Sword

Journey through the Ancient Traditions of the Samurai and Ninja

Our land, Kamigawa

Bushidō no sekai

In the land of the rising sun, where the mountains meet the sea, there is a realm where samurais and ninjas roam. For centuries, our people have trained in the ways of the sword, the art of stealth, and the wisdom of ancient traditions. From the misty forests to the bustling cities, the spirits of our ancestors guide us as we strive for honor, for victory, and for a better tomorrow.

Embrace the path of the sword and find your place among the warriors of our world. Whether you walk the path of the samurai or the way of the ninja, will you stand with us in this world of honor, swordplay, and ancient traditions? The choice is yours. Welcome to our realm.


Our Domain
Scenario of Kamigawa
Scenario of Kamigawa

Warriors of Honor

The Way of the Sword and Shadow

Background Image for our Collection

Blades Clash

In our world, the path of the samurai is not a single road, but a vast array of paths to be taken. Each samurai is unique, with their own strengths, weaknesses, and abilities. Some wield a single sword with unbridled ferocity, while others combine strength and precision with the dual blade style.

There are samurais who master the art of the bow, striking foes from afar with deadly accuracy. Others are trained in the use of the naginata, a weapon with the reach and power to topple even the largest foes. And let us not forget the silent and deadly ninjas, who move with the grace of shadows and strike with lethal precision.

Embrace the path of the sword and find your place among the warriors of our world. Whether you walk the path of the samurai or the way of the ninja, will you stand with us in this world of honor, swordplay, and ancient traditions? The choice is yours. Welcome to our realm.

Our Legendary Warriors
A sneak peek of our collection
A sneak peek of our collection
A sneak peek of our collection

Answer the call
of the sword

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

What is CryptoKensei?

CryptoKensei is an innovative NFT-based digital collectible card game that immerses players in a world of samurais, ninjas, gods, and demons. Each card represents a unique warrior, creature, or artifact within the CryptoKensei realm and is minted as a non-fungible token (NFT), giving players verifiable ownership and the ability to trade their digital assets.

What are NFTs?

NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are unique and verifiable digital assets stored on a blockchain. They can represent a wide array of items, including artwork, music, collectibles, and virtual real estate. In CryptoKensei, NFTs are used to embody the one-of-a-kind characters and items players collect and trade.

What is an NFT collection?

An NFT collection is a curated series of unique digital assets that people collect and trade. Collections can encompass various themes, from art and music to sports memorabilia. CryptoKensei features a distinctive NFT collection, with each character and item represented as a singular, collectible token.

What makes your collection unique?

The CryptoKensei NFT collection stands out due to its personalized card stats, engaging character backstories and lore, and one-of-a-kind illustrations created using AI technology and expert editing. This combination results in a rich and immersive world that captivates collectors and distinguishes CryptoKensei from other NFT collections.

What is the plan for utility of the CryptoKensei NFTs?

The CryptoKensei team is dedicated to providing exceptional NFTs and captivating lore before exploring additional utilities such as in-game assets, staking, and rewards programs. By initially focusing on building an outstanding collection and community, we lay the foundation for long-term success and future utility opportunities for our NFTs.

Will there be an airdrop for holders of NFTs from first seasons?

While we may consider airdropping NFTs to first-season holders in the future, we are currently concentrating on developing our new collection. We will announce any airdrop plans on our website and social media channels, so stay tuned for updates.

Will there be any free airdrops?

We may host future contests for exclusive NFTs that are specially minted and not available for regular purchase. Follow our social media channels to stay updated on any upcoming contests and free airdrops.

What is minting?

Minting refers to the creation of a new NFT, which entails generating a unique digital asset and adding it to a blockchain. In CryptoKensei, minting produces one-of-a-kind collectible cards that players can own and trade.

When will the mint be available?

At CryptoKensei, we prioritize quality and are currently working diligently to develop our world's lore and prepare for a successful mint. We will announce the mint's exact date and time in advance on our website and social media channels, so stay tuned for updates.

What is rarity?

Rarity refers to the scarcity of an NFT within a collection. CryptoKensei features a variety of rarities, with some assets being more common than others, having better stats, and so on. The rarity of an NFT can influence its value and desirability within the CryptoKensei community.

What are stats?

Stats are attributes assigned to an NFT that can impact its value and rarity. In the context of CryptoKensei, stats include attributes such as power, speed, or intelligence, which define each character's strengths and weaknesses, making each NFT unique and collectible.